Natural remedies to relieve stress and support your well being
- Awakening Wellness Healing

Remember to take time to smell the roses.
Summer in the Midwest seems to come and go in a flash. We all run wild to get outside and play, to attend summer events, gather with friends and family, take a much needed vacation or simply get in as much pleasure as possible. This is the natural pace of this season's cycle. Nature is bursting with beauty. Birds are chirping in full song and energy is naturally expanding. The glorious sun extends its light into the early evening hours, which gives the illusion there's more time in a day. Give yourself full permission to ENJOY the light of each day. Make a decision to find your way to nature surroundings, like forests, parks or community gardens. Nature nourishes every cell of your being! It activates your life-force energy and replenishes the spirit.
Another way to get energized in body, mind and spirit is through the foods you eat during the summer months. It's the perfect time of year to break free from processed and convenient foods you may be habitually used to. Nutrient dense "superfoods" of summer are second to none. As a holistic practitioner and coach, I encourage you make time for shopping at local farmers markets, not only is it better for the environment but it's fun! If the farmers market is out of reach, at the very least, purchase locally grown/close to home, in-season edibles at your grocery store. By purchasing local fresh veggies and fruits, you are getting great nutritional value and you will be contributing less to greenhouse emissions on the planet. So eat up! Experiment with summer veggies and fruits as your main course for your meals and enjoy the animal proteins on the side. It is simply shifting your perception about what's on your plate.
Check out these interesting food facts:
Low carbon diet:
In a 2014 study by Scarborough et al., the real-life diets of British people were surveyed and their dietary greenhouse gas footprint was estimated. Average dietary greenhouse-gas emissions per day (in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent) were:
- 7.19 for high meat-eaters
- 5.63 for medium meat-eaters
- 4.67 for low meat-eaters
- 3.91 for fish-eaters
- 3.81 for vegetarians
- 2.89 for vegans
Summer Special: July 1 - August 30
Schedule an appointment for 1 of the 3 "Featured Services" below and receive a FREE 30 minute add-on service, to your scheduled appointment. For example, if you schedule an aromatherapy massage you can try a 30 minute session of coaching or meditation instruction prior to getting on the table for your aromatherapy massage treatment. These three services complement one another to give you a taste of other services I provide to support your goals and lifestyle.
Featured services:
Intuitive Coaching with Emotion Code Process - This coaching session(s), I utilize the tools from Co-Active* coaching and The Emotion Code. We will uncover and discover what is keeping you from moving forward in the direction you truly desire to grow. Hidden treasures within you will be revealed as you begin to rewrite the script for your life-direction, purpose or passion. The Emotion Code Process helps to identify and release trapped emotions that have kept you stuck and sessions are designed and based on your individual needs. (Coaching sessions can be on phone or in person)
Intuitive Coaching with Emotion Code Process session: - 60 minute - $100
package - 3 sessions: $285
emotion code only: 30 minutes - $75
Aromatherapy Massage - Rejuvenate with a soothing and relaxing massage combined with essential oils to address your imbalances and bring you back to your center naturally.
Doterra Essential Oils as part of this treatment.
1 Hour Session - $90.00
Bring Mindfulness Home - Learn simple to practice meditation techniques to quiet your monkey mind so you can better manage stress that drives anxiety or depression. This one-on-one session will be designed specifically for your needs.
Each session is 40 Minutes - $60.00 Includes instruction and practice.