On my way to recovery.. Just in time for spring
- Awakening Wellness Healing

I'm in week 5 with my recovery and I couldn't have asked for a better experience with the anterior hip replacement surgery. My mind was expecting something much more difficult and different from what is actually happening. Do I dare say it's been easy? Okay, let me say, the surgery and the recovery process is better than what I had imagined! Everyone asks if I'm pain-free? Well, the post-surgery pain is entirely different than the before surgery pain. It's now about healing rather than suffering. The pain from suffering is GONE! I was up testing out my new hip the next day after the procedure, walking with a walker. It was bit of a struggle but I did it! I had a 2 day stay in the hospital to prepare me for my venture home for the next three weeks of home care.
During my recovery time, I had lots of opportunity for quiet contemplation. I reviewed my life and realized how much energy I put into managing the pain. How it became the driving force as to what I would and wouldn't do. I felt depressed, ashamed and embarrassed that my body, particularly my hip was deteriorating. I wondered how this happened to me, I'm healthy, vibrant a healer and holistic health teacher, oh, and a fifty-something woman. This happens to humans! I decided to use an ancient mantra one of my teachers gave me a long time ago. "EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY, I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER". With the right support, physically and mentally, the body knows what to do to heal itself! My visiting nurse and physical therapist came 3 times a week. They both concurred I'm strong and have a positive attitude.
On separate occasions, they both mentioned healing is a state of mind and that my attitude was excellent. I thought to myself, I've had years of preparation and practice at cultivating a positive attitude. And yet again, I realized my life has presented me with this opportunity to walk my talk. So as I steadily forged through the healing process, I meditated several times a day. I drank bone broth for deep nourishment and ate other yummy and healthy treats. I did my exercises that help me feel stronger, yet never pushed the process. I rested and rested more. I repeated in my mind again and again, EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY, I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER. The first 2 weeks I received nurturing and love from text messages, prayers, calls, and a loving home support system and lots of ice. I consciously decided that it's my time to heal deeply. It wasn't until week three that I started being more social. I was still conserving my energy for my healing. Now having boasted a bit, I admit after only 1 month I'm not exactly ready to run a marathon but I'm well on my way. I'm feeling antsy. I set up a massage appointment for my healing body and ready to get back in my world. I walking better and better, I can drive again and I'm slowly starting to see clients and resume my weekly and monthly classes.
Spring is in the air and I have a new bounce in my step. The right perspective makes the impossible possible. I'm available for sessions. Receive a $10 off on your next appointment when you mention you read my recovery report! Come get a spring tune up and add bounce in your step! Check out my website for services, classes amp; events I'm holding in April and May.