Emotion code:

The emotion code work I did with Savita was very interesting. As always, I found her to be quite intuitive, knowing the right questions to ask to get to the heart of the matter.
And working on a heart wall was much of what we did during these sessions. I have survived some real trauma and while looking fine to outside eyes, how I felt inside was a different story. Since completing several sessions, I have found myself to be less shy and more open to possible relationships with men. More importantly, however, is that I’ve been more clear about boundaries, feeling more sure of myself and even better about being alone in general which has been particularly comforting during these recent times of isolating. Savita also made great follow-up suggestions such as which essential oils to use or even journaling suggestions. It’s hard to know with this kind of work, if it’s actually worked but I believe it has and hope to continue with more sessions.